Hello there earthlings or mostly know as my non-existent readers! Holy mother of pearls, where the heck have I been?!
School. Yeap there you go, school. Nothing interesting really, I didn't get kidnapped by aliens or other weird outer space creatures, I was busy with school. So how have I been for the past two months? Well, we just started our second semester at school a few weeks back aaannnddddd we got our exam results back. Needless to say I didn't do so well for my science subjects. Flunked my add maths and chemistry. DAYUMM GIRL. Yeap..
So what will today's post be about? Let me give y'all a hint. It starts with letter c and ends with s.
Give up? Yes? No?
The word of the day is.. *cue drum roll* CRUSH!
Okay, I think everyone has got the picture so let me skip to the fun part of me ranting.
My whole life I've always had a crush on someone and it sucks. It flipping sucks. What I mean is, it's so damn frustrating to like someone that doesn't like you back and barely acknowledges your existence! Well my existence to be precise.
So there's this one guy in my class, let's call him Mr K, and em well I think I may have a tiny crush on him. I don't know why, I just do and I hate it when that happens. Ugh.
Mr K is a tall, super smart fellow and has a good sense of humour. But there's this one thing that has been bugging me and it's super annoying GAHHHH.
You see, this Mr K and I never say anything to each other in class. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch. So I added him on the ever-so-popular social media website Facebook and guess what?
He likes my status, my photos, comments and he even chatted with me once.
So y'all are probably thinking, 'Ok so what's the big deal? He talks to you on Facebook but never in class? Pssfhhht beach puhlease.'
That's the thing that has been bothering me for aagggesss. I've been observing this pattern for quite a while now. Every time he goes back to his hometown for the holidays (he's a boarding student) he's always online on Facebook and whenever I update my status, post a picture etc etc there's always gonna be a notification saying 'Mr K liked your photo/status a few minutes ago' or 'Mr K commented on your status/photo a few minutes ago'. I just don't get as to why he's sooooo friendly on Facebook but barely says a word to me in class. I know I'm probably thinking wayy to much into this small matter but hey, you know how us girls (it makes me wanna puke whenever I say that but that's the sad truth so bare with me)
are always over dramatic.
Is it because he's too shy to say something to me? Or does he feel much more comfortable speaking to me online rather than face-to-face? Idk, whatever it is it's just bugging the heck out of my mind. AND IT'S SO FRUSTRATING SINCE I HAVE A FLIPPING NO GOOD CRUSH ON HIM GAHHH!!!
So, I've come to a conclusion..
I'm gonna avoid myself from crushing on someone.
Yeap. Sounds so dramatic lol but yeap I mean it's the best step for me.
Have you any idea how boring it is to like someone but never get the same response from that particular person?! It's been nagging on my mind, I can't concentrate so I will have to do my best to 'eliminate' my feelings for him.
I've had enough of crushes, so crush, please go away for a long long time okay?
Well, I think that's it for the post. Told ya it was gonna be long. Hope you had a cup of tea or some biscuits when you read this post! Have a nice day non-existent readers
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